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Central Park is is the most visited urban park in the United States as well as one of the most filmed locations in the world. It was opened in 1857 and is expanded in 843 acres of city-owned land.
It might be work, but it doesn't have to feel like it. All you need is a comfortable desk, nice laptop, home office furniture that keeps things organized, and the right lighting for the job.
The Vespa Scooter has evolved from a single model motor scooter manufactured in the year 1946 by Piaggio & Co. S.p.A. of Pontedera, Italy-to a full line of scooters, today owned by Piaggio.
Trend in Unplugged Vacations It may be the constant news of politics and war. It may be that people are becoming burned out by social media, or it may be a hangover from the pandemic. Many travel agents are reporting that as the world slowly opens, its borders once again to travel, a lot of Read More …
Pandemic-inspired Re-design in Living Space Everyone had to cope in some measure with the hardships of being shut in their homes during the pandemic. People who were fortunate enough to live in large homes passed the seemingly endless days of lockdown in relative comfort, even with a large family in the house. But the small Read More …
With Bangkok in the middle of the rainy season, I find myself checking the weather on my phone more often. My weather app gives the forecast at different times of the coming day, the temperature, a little graphic showing whether it will be sunny, cloudy or raining, and a percentage of the chance of rain. Read More …
The scariest part of getting a tattoo is that it’s a permanent addition to your body that you may not like in the future. Even if you think a design is amazing right now, there may come a time in your life when it doesn’t appeal to you anymore. There are ways to plan your tattoos, so you don’t experience this feeling of regret years after getting your tattoo. Read More …
Capsule wardrobes have become popular recently. They are promoted by minimalists, travellers, and those breaking into the fashion world. Building a capsule wardrobe can be a great idea for many people. Read More …
How To Prepare For Your Next International Trip Travelling can be very exciting, but travelling internationally also requires good preparation to run smoothly. In addition to the complex process of crossing national borders, these trips are frequently farther away and introduce you to different cultural environments. If you’ve never travelled internationally before, check out our Read More …
Perusahaan Kecil & Sederhana (PKS) adalah tulang belakang ekonomi Malaysia, dan sebagai pemilik perniagaan, anda tahu bahawa mengembangkan PKS anda adalah penting untuk berjaya. Tetapi bagaimana jika anda tidak mempunyai sumber yang mencukupi untuk mengembangkan dan mencapai tahap yang baharu? Pembiayaan perniagaan mungkin hanya apa yang anda perlukan. Mengembangkan PKS Anda Skim pembiayaan ialah cara Read More …
Baju Kurung Malaysia Anda Perlu Untuk Musim Kenduri Ini Majlis kenduri di Malaysia sentiasa meriah! Warna-warna cerah dan budaya unik sentiasa menetapkan nada untuk perayaan yang menyeronokkan. Jika anda seperti saya, anda pasti mahu memakai baju kurung yang bergaya. Musim kenduri akan datang tidak lama lagi, lebih baik anda mula membuat persediaan dengan mendapatkan baju Read More …
Whenever I’ve traveled back to my country from my home in Thailand, everyone at home always asks about the food in Thailand. Read More …
Bila terdengar perkataan forensik, mesti teringat rancangan CSI atau Law & Order betul tak? Sebenarnya mereka dalam bahagian forensik jenayah, kita pula nak belajar forensik kewangan. Forensik kewangan bukanlah menyelesaikan jenayah menggunakan wang ye tetapi ia merupakan bidang yang menggabungkan kemahiran penyiasatan dengan kemahiran pengauditan kewangan. Haih, bila cakap pasal wang, mesti rasa susah hati Read More …